Shagaru Magala

The distinctive radiant light of this mature Gore Magala has been seen in the Sanctuary of Heaven's Mount. Some believe Shagaru Magala was the "foul wind that withered a mountain," a calamity spoken of in ancient texts.

Base HP <%monster.base_hp | number:0%> HP
Low (×<%monster.hp_mult_low%>) <%(monster.hp_mult_low * monster.base_hp) | number:0%> HP
High (×<%monster.hp_mult_high%>) <%(monster.hp_mult_high * monster.base_hp) | number:0%> HP
G (×<%monster.hp_mult_g%>) <%(monster.hp_mult_g * monster.base_hp) | number:0%> HP
Low <%monster.limp_low | percentage%>
High <%monster.limp_high | percentage%>
High (Apex) <%monster.limp_high_apex | percentage%>
G <%monster.limp_g | percentage%>
G (Apex) <%monster.limp_g_apex | percentage%>
Low <%monster.cap_low | percentage%>
High <%monster.cap_high | percentage%>
High (Apex) <%monster.cap_high_apex | percentage%>
G <%monster.cap_g | percentage%>
G (Apex) <%monster.cap_g_apex | percentage%>
Duration 120
Attack x1.4
Defense x1.0
Speed x1.2
Map Start Areas Rest
Crown Sizes
Miniature <1600.3
Large >2080.4
King >2187.1
Stagger Limits
Head 300
Torso 600
Wings 180
Wing Limbs 140
Front Legs 200
Rear Legs 160
Tail 240

Damage Chart

Region Cut Impact Shot Fire Water Ice Thunder Dragon Dizzy
<%part.local_name%> <%part.pivot.res_cut%> <%part.pivot.res_impact%> <%part.pivot.res_shot%> <%part.pivot.res_fire%> <%part.pivot.res_water%> <%part.pivot.res_ice%> <%part.pivot.res_thunder%> <%part.pivot.res_dragon%> <%part.pivot.res_dizzy%>
Region Cut Impact Shot Fire Water Ice Thunder Dragon Dizzy
<%part.local_name%> <%part.pivot.res_cut%> <%part.pivot.res_impact%> <%part.pivot.res_shot%> <%part.pivot.res_fire%> <%part.pivot.res_water%> <%part.pivot.res_ice%> <%part.pivot.res_thunder%> <%part.pivot.res_dragon%> <%part.pivot.res_dizzy%>
Region Cut Impact Shot Fire Water Ice Thunder Dragon Dizzy
<%part.local_name%> <%part.pivot.res_cut%> <%part.pivot.res_impact%> <%part.pivot.res_shot%> <%part.pivot.res_fire%> <%part.pivot.res_water%> <%part.pivot.res_ice%> <%part.pivot.res_thunder%> <%part.pivot.res_dragon%> <%part.pivot.res_dizzy%>
Abnormal Status Initial Increase Max Duration Damage Reduction
<%status.local_name%> <%status.pivot.initial%> <%status.pivot.increase%> <%status.pivot.max%> <%status.pivot.duration%> <%status.pivot.damage%> <%status.pivot.reduction_amount%>/<%status.pivot.reduction_time%>sec
Item Normal Enraged Fatigued
Pitfall Trap 0 0 0
Flash Bomb 20 20 30
Shock Trap 0 0 0
Sonic Bomb 0 0 0
Canopy Trap 0 0 0

Item Drops


<%item.pivot.monsteritemmethod.local_name%> <%item.pivot.quantity%> <%item.pivot.percentage | percentage%>


<%item.pivot.monsteritemmethod.local_name%> <%item.pivot.quantity%> <%item.pivot.percentage | percentage%>


<%item.pivot.monsteritemmethod.local_name%> <%item.pivot.quantity%> <%item.pivot.percentage | percentage%>

Guild Quests

Quest Appearances




Great Sword L'Apothéose RARE-7
Great Sword L'Éclat RARE-9
Great Sword L'Origine RARE-10
Long Sword La Justicière RARE-7
Long Sword La Loi RARE-9
Long Sword Le Décalogue RARE-10
Sword Le Détecteur RARE-7
Sword La Vérité RARE-9
Sword Le Limier RARE-10
Dual Blades Les Apôtres RARE-7
Dual Blades Le Paradis RARE-9
Dual Blades Le Shangri-La RARE-10
Hammer Le Jugement RARE-7
Hammer La Naissance RARE-9
Hammer La Terre RARE-10
Hunting Horn La Sépulture RARE-7
Hunting Horn La Joie RARE-9
Hunting Horn Le Grégorien RARE-10
Lance L'Égide RARE-7
Lance Le Sage RARE-9
Lance Le Paladin RARE-10
Gunlance L'Onde RARE-7
Gunlance Le Mur RARE-9
Gunlance La Forteresse RARE-10
Switch Axe La Guillotine RARE-7
Switch Axe Le Sursis RARE-9
Switch Axe La Conclusion RARE-10
Charge Blade L'Oppresseur RARE-7
Charge Blade L'Essor RARE-9
Charge Blade Le Salut RARE-10
Insect Glaive Le Traqueur RARE-7
Insect Glaive La Merveille RARE-9
Insect Glaive Le Miracle RARE-10
Light Bowgun La Lumière RARE-6
Light Bowgun Le Condamnateur RARE-7
Light Bowgun La Vertu RARE-9
Light Bowgun L'Éden RARE-10
Heavy Bowgun Le Désastre RARE-7
Heavy Bowgun La Foi RARE-9
Heavy Bowgun Le Déluge RARE-10
Bow Le Ravisseur RARE-7
Bow Le Désir RARE-9
Bow L'Innocence RARE-10