Skills that affect the number of times you can gather or mine, except in special cases.
Gathering God | +20 | Very often raises the number of times items can be gathered at Gathering Points. |
Gathering +2 | +15 | Often raises the number of times items can be gathered at Gathering Points. |
Gathering +1 | +10 | Sometimes raises the number of times items can be gathered at Gathering Points. |
Gathering -1 | -10 | Sometimes lowers the number of times items can be gathered at Gathering Points. |
Leather Headgear | +2 |
Alloy Helm | -2 |
Alloy Cap | -1 |
Tetsucabra Helm | -2 |
Tetsucabra Cap | -2 |
Leather Helm S | +3 |
Leather Cap S | +2 |
Alloy Helm S | -2 |
Alloy Cap S | -1 |
Guardian Helm | -2 |
Guardian Mask | -2 |
Helper Hood | -2 |
Helper Cap | -2 |
Tetsucabra Helm S | -2 |
Tetsucabra Cap S | -2 |
Ioprey Face | -3 |
Obituary Vertex | +2 |
Obituary Clypeus | +2 |
Butterfly Vertex | +2 |
Butterfly Clypeus | +2 |
Tetsucabra Helm X | -2 |
Tetsucabra Cap X | -2 |
Obituary Vertex X | +3 |
Obituary Clypeus X | +3 |
Butterfly Vertex X | +3 |
Butterfly Clypeus X | +3 |
Guardian Helm X | -2 |
Guardian Mask X | -2 |
Helper Hood X | -2 |
Healer Glasses X | -2 |
Hawkhat X | +3 |
Hawkcap X | +3 |
Lecturer's Hood X | +3 |
Lecturer's Cap X | +3 |
Leather Vest | +3 |
Alloy Mail | -2 |
Alloy Vest | -2 |
Tetsucabra Mail | -3 |
Tetsucabra Vest | -3 |
Leather Mail S | +3 |
Leather Vest S | +3 |
Derring Mail S | +2 |
Derring Vest S | +2 |
Alloy Mail S | -2 |
Alloy Vest S | -2 |
Guardian Suit | -2 |
Guardian Vest | -2 |
Helper Suit | -2 |
Helper Vest | -2 |
Tetsucabra Mail S | -3 |
Tetsucabra Vest S | -3 |
Ioprey Wear | -2 |
Obituary Thorax | +2 |
Obituary Pleuron | +2 |
Butterfly Thorax | +2 |
Butterfly Pleuron | +2 |
Tetsucabra Mail X | -3 |
Tetsucabra Vest X | -3 |
Obituary Thorax X | +3 |
Obituary Pleuron X | +3 |
Butterfly Thorax X | +3 |
Butterfly Pleuron X | +3 |
Guardian Suit X | -2 |
Guardian Vest X | -2 |
Helper Vest X | -2 |
Healer Vest X | -2 |
Hawksuit X | +1 |
Hawkjacket X | +1 |
Lecturer's Suit X | +1 |
Lecturer's Jacket X | +1 |
Leather Belt | +3 |
Alloy Coil | -1 |
Alloy Coat | -2 |
Light Belt | +4 |
Tetsucabra Faulds | -1 |
Tetsucabra Coat | -1 |
Leather Faulds S | +1 |
Leather Coat S | +1 |
Derring Faulds S | +3 |
Derring Coat S | +3 |
Alloy Coil S | -1 |
Alloy Coat S | -1 |
Guardian Coil | -2 |
Guardian Coat | -2 |
Helper Skirt | -2 |
Helper Frills | -2 |
Tetsucabra Faulds S | -2 |
Tetsucabra Coat S | -2 |
Obituary Elytra | +2 |
Obituary Alae | +2 |
Butterfly Elytra | +2 |
Butterfly Alae | +2 |
Hero's Belt | +3 |
Hero's Band | +3 |
Tetsucabra Faulds X | -2 |
Tetsucabra Coat X | -2 |
Obituary Elytra X | +3 |
Obituary Alae X | +3 |
Butterfly Elytra X | +3 |
Butterfly Alae X | +3 |
Guardian Coil X | -2 |
Guardian Coat X | -2 |
Helper Skirt X | -2 |
Healer Frills X | -2 |
Hawkcoil X | +4 |
Hawkcoat X | +4 |
Lecturer's Skirt X | +4 |
Lecturer's Frills X | +4 |
Leather Trousers | +1 |
Leather Greaves S | +3 |
Leather Leggings S | +1 |
Guardian Boots | -2 |
Guardian Pants | -2 |
Helper Socks | -2 |
Helper Tights | -2 |
Ioprey Tights | -3 |
Obituary Crura | +2 |
Obituary Tarsi | +2 |
Butterfly Crura | +2 |
Butterfly Tarsi | +2 |
Obituary Crura X | +3 |
Obituary Tarsi X | +3 |
Butterfly Crura X | +3 |
Butterfly Tarsi X | +3 |
Guardian Boots X | -2 |
Guardian Pants X | -2 |
Helper Socks X | -2 |
Healer Socks X | -2 |
Hawkboots X | +5 |
Hawkfeet X | +5 |
Lecturer's Boots X | +5 |
Lecturer's Footwear X | +5 |
<%jewel.pivot.item.local_name%> | <%jewel.pivot.points | point%> |