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Baki the Grappler - DNA of Ghost Normal


Evento 5
Gol Cazar 1 [Zinogre]
Escribe Caza
HRP 610
Recompensa <%quest.reward | zenny%>
Cuota <%quest.fee | zenny%>
Mapa Tierra Arena
Período Día Noche

Apariciones Monster

No large monster appearances.


Recompensa principal A

The King's Proof 1 <%quest.items[0].pivot.percentage | percentage%>
Caparaz. Zinogre 2 <%quest.items[1].pivot.percentage | percentage%>

Recompensa principal B

Amul. brillante 1 <%quest.items[2].pivot.percentage | percentage%>
Hueso escudo 1 <%quest.items[3].pivot.percentage | percentage%>
Joya campo bat. 1 <%quest.items[4].pivot.percentage | percentage%>
Joya lapislázuli 1 <%quest.items[5].pivot.percentage | percentage%>
Esf. Armad. Dura 2 <%quest.items[6].pivot.percentage | percentage%>
Esf. Armad. av. 2 <%quest.items[7].pivot.percentage | percentage%>
Cásc. hueso pq. 20 <%quest.items[8].pivot.percentage | percentage%>
Cásc. hueso gr. 20 <%quest.items[9].pivot.percentage | percentage%>
Piedra Oxidada 1 <%quest.items[10].pivot.percentage | percentage%>
Amul. gastado 1 <%quest.items[11].pivot.percentage | percentage%>